Physical Abuse In Nursing Homes

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Physical abuse in nursing homes is a serious problem. If you have concerns about the care your loved one is receiving, our experienced attorney Robert “Bobby” Jones can help. We may help protect your loved one, work on their behalf to claim financial compensation, and hold offenders accountable. Contact us to learn more about how Bobby Jones Law can help your family.

You can fight back against physical abuse in a nursing home

According to the South Carolina Department on Aging, there are 2,039 nursing homes in the state. Physical abuse is a constant worry for the many individuals who live in these facilities and their loving families. The sad truth is that the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program investigates more than 8,000 complaints each year.

Physical abuse in nursing homes may take many forms. It may leave physical and emotional scars. If you or a loved one is a victim, you may wonder what you can do. Our nursing home abuse lawyer helps individuals who are victimized by physical abuse in nursing homes. We can represent you to assert your rights, seek justice, and claim the financial compensation that you may deserve. Contact us today to review your situation and learn more.

Signs of physical abuse in a nursing home

If your loved one experiences any of the following, they may be a victim of physical abuse:

  • Broken bones
  • Bedsores
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Falls
  • Malnutrition, dehydration, weight loss
  • Unexplained changes in mobility
  • Frequent bruising, open cuts
  • Side effects from overmedication or medical errors

Physical abuse may manifest itself in multiple ways. You may see outward signs of harm like physical injury, infections, broken bones, and sores. In addition, emotional changes in the person may be an indicator that a resident is being physically abused. Anxiety, social withdrawal, and depression may all be warning signs. Be wary of negative changes in your loved one, as they may be signs that something serious has happened.

What can you do about physical abuse in a nursing home?

Even though physical abuse in a nursing home is a common problem, there are things that you can do to fight back. A victim may report their concerns to the proper authorities. Even criminal charges may be authorized. The victim may also bring their own legal claim for financial compensation and civil accountability for those who allow the abuse to occur.

Consequences of physical abuse in a nursing home may include:

  • Compensation directly to the victim for damages
  • Non-payment of Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement
  • State intervention and licensing actions
  • Correction plans
  • Mandatory training
  • Criminal charges

The appropriate remedy depends on the harm that has occurred, how it was able to occur and who is involved. The State of South Carolina licenses and oversees care facilities. They may step in to assure the quality of care in a nursing home. However, that alone doesn’t result in monetary compensation for a victim. A victim may bring a legal claim to personally receive compensation for their damages and a reckoning for the care facility for allowing the abuse to occur.

Proving Physical Abuse in a Nursing Home

Of course, you can expect the nursing home to try and keep the abuse quiet. Residents may be intimidated and afraid to speak out. We can help you prove physical abuse through an investigation and evidence-gathering, including:

  • Compiling medical records for the victim
  • Having additional medical evaluations, if needed
  • Working with trained experts to interpret medical records and the causes of injury
  • Reviewing facility records for patterns of treatment and care
  • Identifying the specific individuals involved in care and management; questioning these individuals, including with formal measures like depositions
  • Approaching other witnesses like friends, relatives, and guests who may have information
  • Demanding access to the facility and physical objects for inspection
  • Mental health evaluations to identify emotional harm and suffering
  • Speaking to the victim and ensuring they are safe to state what has happened
  • Investigating prior acts and a pattern of behavior

To receive compensation for physical abuse, you must diligently show what happened. As the victim, you must show what injuries occurred and how they occurred. The evidence must show that the care facility is responsible. Our nursing home attorney is experienced in proving maltreatment in care facilities.

What compensation can you receive for physical abuse in a nursing home?

Financial compensation represents how the individual has suffered – physically, financially, and emotionally. When it comes to physical abuse in a nursing home, it is all about the money. The abuse causes physical suffering, unnecessary medical bills, and emotional suffering. For a person isolated in a care facility, all these forms of suffering can be excruciating. 

The compensation that the victim receives should reflect the medical expenses that the victim has and the fact that they have physically and emotionally suffered because of what happened. Our physical nursing home abuse lawyer can help you understand the compensation that the victim can receive and how that number is calculated. Then, we can set out to pursue the compensation – and the justice – that the victim deserves.

Why hire Bobby Jones Law?

At Bobby Jones Law, representing victims is all we do. Our purpose is to help individuals and families when the worst happens. We can help you investigate, identify the responsible parties, and pursue justice. We are a full-service law firm – from taking legal action to guiding you through the process. We are here to represent you in responding to physical abuse in a nursing home.

Contact a Greenville Lawyer for Physical Abuse in a Nursing Home

We work tirelessly on behalf of victims. By pursuing these actions, we help individuals access the financial compensation they deserve. We also do our part to encourage safety, responsibility, and accountability in nursing home care. Together, we can make a difference for the victim and be the voice of accountability for harm in a nursing home. 

At Bobby Jones Law, we are proud to be trusted advocates in the Greenville, SC community and throughout South Carolina. Contact us today for a free consultation.

The team at Bobby Jones Law LLC works tirelessly for the injured in South Carolina. His achievements include:
  • More than $60 million collected for our clients
  • Multiple recoveries exceeding $1 million, including an eight-figure settlement
  • Recognized by Best Lawyers in America
  • Named among the “Best Law Firms” by U.S. News & World Report
  • Named to the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by The National Trial Lawyers
  • Named to Super Lawyers 2017–2025
  • Member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum
  • Selected as Legal Elite of the Upstate 2021–2023
  • Named among Super Lawyers "Rising Stars"
We’re humbled to be considered one of the top firms in the Upstate and invite you to learn what sets our award-winning legal services apart. Call or request a consultation online.
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