5 Common Medical Malpractice Examples

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Medical Malpractice Settlement

To make a malpractice claim under South Carolina law, the injured party has to file a notice of intent and prove that:

  • there was a relevant standard of medical care,
  • the practitioner had a duty to meet that standard and failed to,
  • the plaintiff was injured as a direct result, and
  • the plaintiff has suffered damages for which he or she should receive compensation.

Some of the most common medical malpractice claims are:

1. Surgical or Procedural Errors

Surgical injuries can result when a surgical tool or implement gets left in a patient. They also result when the surgeon operates on the wrong body site or patient.

2. Misdiagnosis

A doctor can fail to diagnose the correct illness or any illness. The most common failures are cancer and heart attacks. The failure to diagnose a life-threatening condition can start a cascade of catastrophic consequences.

3. Injuries at Birth

Not only are birth injuries common, but they can cause significant life-long expenses. Common injuries include nerve damage, spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, and other major and minor injuries.

4. Failure to Treat

Failure to treat occurs when a doctor correctly diagnoses the patient’s condition but fails to treat it within the acceptable standards of care.

5. Prescription Drug Errors

These errors occur when a doctor prescribes the wrong drug or the right drug in the wrong amount and when a doctor fails to consider potential side effects or reactions from prescribing certain drugs together.

Call Us to Speak to a South Carolina Medical Malpractice Attorney at Bobby Jones Law Today!

Robert “Bobby” Jones has concentrated his South Carolina practice in personal injury law for more than a decade. In that time, he has recovered over $35 million for his clients. Speak to Bobby today to discuss your med-mal claim and get the assistance of a Greenville Personal Injury Lawyer today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does every injury result in a successful lawsuit?

No. Even though some advertisements sound like a medical claim is a winning lottery ticket, individuals seeking recovery must still allege and prove a breach of duty resulting in injury.

Can you recover for every mistake?

No. If, for example, your doctor recommended surgery and another correctly told you that surgery was unnecessary, you cannot sue the first doctor unless you can show a compensable injury caused by the first recommendation.

How can I find out whether I have a case?

An experienced attorney can help you determine whether you have a claim.

The team at Bobby Jones Law LLC works tirelessly for the injured in South Carolina. His achievements include:
  • More than $60 million collected for our clients
  • Multiple recoveries exceeding $1 million, including an eight-figure settlement
  • Recognized by Best Lawyers in America
  • Named among the “Best Law Firms” by U.S. News & World Report
  • Named to the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by The National Trial Lawyers
  • Named to Super Lawyers 2017–2025
  • Member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum
  • Selected as Legal Elite of the Upstate 2021–2023
  • Named among Super Lawyers "Rising Stars"
We’re humbled to be considered one of the top firms in the Upstate and invite you to learn what sets our award-winning legal services apart. Call or request a consultation online.
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